The Villagio Mall, Doha Qatar |
Qatar is a small peninsula jutting off from Saudi Arabia. Qatar itself has only about a 250,000 native population, with an addition 2 million foreigners working there on a long term basis, including Americans, Brits, French, etc. The country is extremely wealthy and next to the United Arab Emirates, one of the most modern and westernized countries in the Middle East. During the recent enactment of a no-fly zone over Libya, Qatar was the first regional country to contribute their military to the effort. While the city and it's business sense is very modern, it is not uncommon to see women in full black veils, and ads in the newspaper where parents are seeking candidate suitors for their daughter that they wish to marry off.
Linked below is a video compilation I put together on my time in Doha. It is a beautiful city. The streets remind me of a cross between Orlando and Las Vegas, and the downtown area is set along a bay with some of the oddest looking buildings.
Click here to see the video.
Click here to learn more about Doha and Qatar.