Wednesday, November 24, 2010


[It means Thank You.]

On this Thanksgiving I’m sure many people have various things for which to be thankful. Things such as good health, a job, or those weird neighbors who finally moved away last month. Being over here, and witnessing the circumstances, there are many more things for which all Americans should be thankful.

Reading. The literacy rate in Afghanistan is 28%. If you were to meet four people, only one of them would be able to read. When you break it down, literacy among men is 43%, and literacy among women is 12.6%. We’re speaking of literacy rates for full-grown adults, not first graders. I’m thankful someone taught me to read.

Work. During the severe economic recession in the U.S., unemployment reached 10% and fluttered even higher. Finding a job is sometimes tough. Over here, the unemployment rate is 35%. It’s not that people don’t want to work, it’s that there is nothing to do. Outside of agriculture, which is typically not exported, there is very little in terms of manufacturing. Someone told me if you offered to pay an Afghan $5 to walk five miles to pick up a 20-pound rock and carry it back, he would do it. He needs the money and he has the time. That’s why opium is the #1 agricultural product. It’s worth money to others. I’m thankful for the Henry Ford’s and Ray Kroc’s who developed opportunities for thousands upon thousands to work legitimately.

The age of 50. If you’re an American, you will most likely celebrate this milestone by having a party or receiving black balloons and over the hill messages from your family and friends. If you’re an Afghan, you most likely died 5 years before this milestone. Life expectancy is just under 45 years old. That would put me in the sunset years of my life. I’m thankful for doctors, nurses, medical schools, healthcare insurance and places like Walgreens.

The government. Boy do we like to pick on the government. No matter who is in office, we think we could do better ourselves. At all levels, we view the government as a waste of taxes, a bunch of bureaucrats who have no idea how things are really done. But as soon as our house catches on fire, or a tornado strikes, or someone attacks or threatens us, we expect the government to step in and handle all of it. The government of Afghanistan is fairly non-existent. If you don’t live in Kabul, you depend on yourself and your neighbors for everything. And I mean everything. You have no government that regulates the good and bad in your village. You have no infrastructure. There is no running water, sewer lines, or paved roads. No one is there to give you money so you can buy milk for your kids or ensure that the food you buy at the store won’t make you sick. No one is there to make sure your travels to other cities are safe. No one else even knows that you exist. You are on your own. I’m thankful for government.

The U.S. military. Thousands and thousands are positioned all over the world, not only to protect America, but to protect and help out others. Who knows when some crazy from North Korea decides he wants attention? They do a great job and personally, they watch out for me. I’m not one of them, yet it’s their weapons that are protecting me. They are the first, second and third line of defense to the defenseless. I’m thankful for the U.S. Armed Forces.

The below linked video is a tribute to the four branches of military service as only Gene Simmons could do it. Thanks to my Dad for sending it.

Be thankful you live where you live and you have what you have, and that others have your back. Because regardless of where or what that is, its a lot better than most of the world.


  1. I ditto that Dale. Americans a truly blessed in countless ways. The video shared makes me proud to be an American.

    Thanks for sharing especially during our season of Thanksgiving.

    Blessings to those who serve our country WELL.
