Friday, August 20, 2010

Get Set, and GO

It's been a very full week at the in-processing training at Ft. Benning. Friday (8/20) I begin the actual trip over to Afghanistan. After 7 full days of training, I have a greater appreciation for what the military and the average soldier needs to know, and keep up to date on. The military individuals running the training did a great job and ran a very tight ship. Organizing and processing hundreds of people is not easy, yet they did it in an organized fashion, and made sure everyone had water, food, and access to them to answer any questions. I'm also sure they were extra nice because they weren't the ones deploying!

At this point I'm ready to go. I'm excited about the trip over and the next six months. This endeavor is very much out of my typical comfort zone, and it will be good for me to experience a way of life different than that which I have become accustomed. Spending the week with soldiers and Defense civilians who are going over for their 3rd or 4th tour makes me realize how committed members of the military and Department of Defense really are. Many of them are leaving children and grandchildren behind. Many of them are going for a 12 month tour. Many of them have spent more time over there in the past 3 years than they have at home. My little six months is nothing compared to that.

The duffels are packed. The armor is fitted. Movies have been downloaded to the computer and a couple of books are in the backpack. I'm ready. I'm set. Let's go.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update, we heard you arrived this weekend! Can't wait for the next update.
